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Crunchy hot cross bun dippers
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Crunchy hot cross bun dippers

With blueberry compote & creamy yoghurt

Crunchy hot cross bun dippers
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30 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 4

About the recipe

I’ve turned a pack of hot cross buns into the ultimate in crispy dippers. Teamed with compote-rippled yoghurt and a sprinkling of nuts, this is perfect for a brunch or brekkie. The hot cross buns are rolled out until thin, baked with maple syrup till crisp, then they’re ready to dunk!

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake


1 x 350g bag of frozen blueberries

1 lemon

1 x 4 pack hot cross mini loaves or regular hot cross buns

25g unsalted butter, at room temperature

3 tablespoons maple syrup

300g natural yoghurt

1 teaspoon vanilla paste

20g mixed nuts


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. To make a quick compote, put the blueberries in a small pan on a low heat, squeeze in the lemon juice and cook for 8 minutes, or until the blueberries have defrosted and started to soften and burst. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
  2. Slice each hot cross bun into 3 horizontally, then – side-by-side – gently roll out with a rolling pin until 3mm thick. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, spread with half of the butter, and drizzle over 1½ tablespoons of maple syrup. Arrange the flattened hot cross buns on top in a single layer and drizzle with 1½ tablespoons of maple syrup.
  3. Evenly dot over the remaining butter, then place a second sheet of greaseproof on top and another baking tray on top of that to hold them in place. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden and crisp, then remove – they’ll get more crunchy as they cool.
  4. Whip the yoghurt and vanilla paste together until silky smooth, then ripple in the blueberry compote. Smash or finely chop the nuts.
  5. To serve, divide the yoghurt mix between bowls, scatter over the nuts and serve with the crunchy hot cross buns for dipping.


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