

Food gives us energy, which we need to keep us alive. This energy is measured in calories so just as petrol fuels a car and keeps it running, calories provide fuel for our bodies, meaning we’re able to keep thinking and moving.

Food gives us energy, which we need to keep us alive. This energy is measured in calories so just as petrol fuels a car and keeps it running, calories provide fuel for our bodies, meaning we’re able to keep thinking and moving.

How many calories do we need?

The amount of calories our bodies need depends on age, gender, build, lifestyle and activity levels. The UK government recommends that the average person needs 2,000 calories a day. This guideline is based on an average-sized woman doing an average amount of physical activity.

Energy balance

This refers to the maintenance of body weight by ensuring energy intake equals energy expenditure. Consuming more calories than needed can result in weight gain, while consuming fewer calories than needed can result in weight loss.

Apart from maintaining energy balance, it is also very important to know where our calories are coming from.


Nutritious calories

From foods that contain vitamins, minerals and fibre, such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, pulses, dairy, fish and meat – they provide our bodies with something essential, as well as energy.

Empty calories

From food and drinks that give us energy but not much else, such as sweets, chocolate, crisps, and alcoholic and fizzy drinks. These foods can contribute to excess energy intake.

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