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A stack of 4 air-fryer scones, next to one scone with jam and clotted cream
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Air-fryer scones

A fail-safe recipe, with 3 delicious flavour ways

A stack of 4 air-fryer scones, next to one scone with jam and clotted cream
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28 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 6

About the recipe

This 5-ingredient recipe is your key to delicious air-fryer scones in less than 30 minutes! Feel free to take them in different directions with lemon & poppy seed, mixed seeds or marzipan.

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Teal Jamie Oliver heart

Jamie's Food Team

By Anna Helm Baxter


200g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting

2 tablespoons caster sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

75g unsalted butter (cold)

90ml milk, plus extra for brushing

olive oil

clotted cream, to serve

your favourite jam, to serve


  1. Sift the flour into a bowl with the sugar, baking powder and a pinch of sea salt, then whisk to combine. Cube up the butter, then use your thumbs and fingertips to rub it into the flour mixture until you have little cornflake-sized pieces.
  2. Make a well in the middle, pour in the milk, and bring together into a soft, dry dough, adding a tiny extra splash of milk, if needed – use your hands, if necessary, but don’t be tempted to over-mix.
  3. Turn out onto a flour-dusted surface and quickly work the dough into a 3cm-thick round, then cut into 6 triangular wedges. Lightly brush the tops with milk.
  4. Rub the air-fryer shelf with a little olive oil, then preheat the air fryer to 180°C for 2 minutes. Evenly space in the scones and cook for 12 minutes, or until golden – you may need to work in batches.

Finely zest in 1 lemon with the flour, sugar, baking powder and sea salt in step 1, then add 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds at the end of step 2.

In a medium bowl, whisk 125g of ricotta cheese with a squeeze of the lemon juice until smooth. In a separate bowl, roughly mash 100g of raspberries with ½ teaspoon of caster sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice.

To serve, tear open the scones, then top with a dollop of ricotta and some mashed raspberries.

In a small bowl, combine 2 teaspoons each of poppy seeds, nigella seeds, garlic granules and sesame seeds. Stir in ¾ of the seed mix at the end of step 1, then top the scones with the remaining seeds at the end of step 3.

To serve, tear open the scones, spread each with 1 tablespoon of cream cheese, add a slice of smoked salmon, then pick over a couple of sprigs of dill and finish with black pepper.

At the beginning of step 2, cube or pinch off pea-sized pieces from 50g of marzipan. Fold into the mix, then continue with the recipe.

Sprinkle over 10g of flaked almonds at the end of step 3.

To serve, tear open the scones and spread with 1 tablespoon of clotted cream and a dollop of cherry jam.


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